Hobbycraft 1/48 Bf 109G-10 "Axis Allies" (HC1522)
This is my second build of this kit. I can't remember what made me pull this one from the stash - perhaps that I had quite a few aftermarket G-10 sheets.
I could not get the fuselage to fit together. This is not unusual for me, so it was probably me and not the kit. There were large gaps at the top of the rear fuselage and also under the cowling.
The decals came from EagleCals 15. This plane had a simple RLM 74/75 over RLM 76 scheme. I used my XF-23:1 and XF-2 mix for the RLM 76, XF-54 for the RLM 75 and Tamiya's mix for the RLM 74 (XF-24:3 and XF-27:2). The paint went on very rough - you can see the silvering under the decals. Everytime I think I have airbrushing mastered, something like this happens. After almost nineteen years, I still haven't figured it out.
Page last updated December 31, 2024.