Tamiya 1/48 Nakajima Ki-84-IA Hayate (Frank) (61013)

scalemates.com link


My modeling mojo has still been on the wane, but I did manage to finish this build. I started this build a few months ago, and got frustrated, but was eventually able to finish it. It turned out rather nice.

I made a list of things to try out, modeling-wise, and a list of kits to try them out on. The kits were old and/or cheap, since the experiments might fail, and I didn't want to ruin an expensive kit or one that might be hard to replace. This kit, being both inexpensive and easy to find, fit the bill. But once I got near the finish line, I didn't want to take a chance on ruining the build, especially as my pace has been glacial of late, so I stuck with my usual practices.

The bottom is XF-14 JA Grey and the top is XF-13 JA Green. The edge of the wing is XF-3 Flat Yellow. Flat Yellow was also used on the propellor blades. I sprayed the yellow, masked it, then sprayed XF-10 Flat Brown. It turned out much nicer that using decals. Decals came from the kit. The canopy was masked by using the EZ Mask as a template. The masks were too small, but good enough for this build.

Build completed June, 2024.

Page last updated June 27, 2024.