Hasegawa 1/48 Kawasaki Ki-100-I Otsu (Tony) (09138/Jt38)

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This build was something of a shelf-of-doom build. I had started this a few months ago and got frustrated with it. I think it was the spinner and prop, of all things, that gave me trouble, although the general fit was not as good as I normally expect from Hasegawa. I put the kit aside for a while, and even looked into getting a replacement. At a local swap meet, I found a started kit being sold by a guy who was a car modeler, and he sold it to me for $10. When I got home, I compared it to my build. He had done better work, but I also realized I could salvage this build, so that's what I did.

I use Polly Scale RLM 79 for the cockpit, which is the usual recommended shade, although I have read that it is actually incorrect, and that the usual IJAAF shade of a light olive was used. The spinner was difficult to paint. I first sprayed Mr. Color C-131 Propellor Color over the whole thing. I tried to paint the white by hand, but it turned out bad, so I stripped the paint and started over. The second time, I cut a circle mask using my Silhouette cutter, and then placed that over the spinner and sprayed the white. Not perfect, but much better.

The camouflage was XF-13 JA Green over Mr. Color C-8 Silver. I used my Tamiya RLM 04 mix for the yellow on the wings, the tips of the propellor blades and the drop tanks, although I have since learned that the drop tanks should probably be gray.

I used Right Step Gloss as a pre-decal coat. The decals came from the kit. As with my previous build of a Ki-100, I had major silvering with the decals on the rear wing, although it doesn't show too much in the photos. I am going to try using Future as a decal setting agent at some point to see if I can alleviate this issue.

Build completed March, 2020.

Page last updated June 15, 2023.