Meng German Light Panzer 38(t) (WWT-011)
July was another month of FUBAR'ed kits. I think I messed up four of them before finishing this Meng kit. After the FUBARs, I wanted something simple that I could actually finish.
It went together well, although not as well as I remember the first two going together, especially the T-34/76. I primed with Tamiya Grey Primer from the 40 ml jar. The exterior was an old bottle of Floquil SP Lark Dark Grey, which quite frankly didn't go on as smoothly as it seemed to in the past. That being said, it has been a while since I used any Floquil, so maybe my memory is faulty. The exhaust was Model Master Enamel Rust.
I first tried Model Master Metalizer Sealer for a pre-decal gloss coat. As in the past, it seemed to have no effect at all on the finish. I then tried Testor's Glosscote Lacquer (part number 1161), and that didn't seem to have any effect either. I then tried Future, which worked. The decals went down with Microset, after which I set them with another coast of Future, followed by a coat of Right Step Matte.
Page last updated June 15, 2023.