Hasegawa 1/48 Nakajima Ki 84-I Type 4 Hayate (Frank) (09067/Jt67)
This is my first Hasegawa Frank, and, as with the Oscar, I had a little trouble. This kit has a great reputation on the web, and it is quite detailed, but I found it a bit over-engineered. For example, there are no less than nine parts that attach to the cockpit floor, and that does not count the seat or the two support bars for the back panel. The fuel cooler on the bottom of the wing is three pieces, and the pilot's headrest is four (!). That being said, the kit goes together well. It uses numerous nylon inserts - the main landing gear, the fuel cooler, the drop tanks, and the propellor are all held in with inserts. The next time I build this kit, I will glue the inserts that hold the main landing gear, as the kit is a bit wobbly.
I primed with Mr. Surfacer 1200, sprayed through my airbrush. The bottom is Tamiya XF-14 JA Grey and the top is Tamiya XF-13 JA Green. The bottom looked fine, but the top looked blotchy (for want of a better term). I can never consistent results when spraying large areas.
I used Polly Scale Weyerhauser Green for the cockpit interior, as I have read build articles by Ian Robertson where he mentions that it is a good substitute for Nakajima Interior Green. The landing gear and inside of the wing flaps are Floquil Bright Silver, and the wheels are Polly Scale Grimy Black. The rear landing gear is Polly Scale Flat Aluminum. I didn't use the same color as the main landing gear because it was not painted at the same time, and the main landing gear were airbrushed whereas the rear landing gear was hand painted.
From what I have read on the web, the wing flaps were never deployed on the ground. (As a matter of fact, being where they are, I was not able to attach the step on the port side.) When I build this kit again, I will try to assemble them in the closed position, which will take a bit more work. In addition to being inaccurate, having them open make it quite difficult to handle the finished model.
The engine and guns are Mr. Color C-28 Steel. The tarp on the tail wheel is Floquil CN Gray #17. I had used this color on the Hasegawa A6M3, thinking it would be a light gray with a hint of green, but it turned out to be a light tannish gray. It was not what I wanted for the A6M3, but it fit the bill here.
The prop blades were Model Master Enamel Green FS34258, and the yellow IFF bands on the wings are Floquil Reefer Yellow. I used Tamiya XF-76 Grey Green (IJN), which was recommended on a forum somewhere. I think it was Britmodeller, but I can't remember now. Note: Looking back at this page a few years later, I confess I have no idea where I used the XF-76. The inside of the cowling and the wheel wells are Mr. Color C-57 Metallic Blue Green, and the spinner is Tamiya XF-1 Flat White.
I used the Eduard mask for the canopy, and it fit very well.
The decals came from the kit. They went on pretty well, especially after I learned to let them soak for about 45 seconds rather than 20. The insignias on the tops of the wings did wrinkle just a touch. Also, I did not leave as much room at the top of the fin for the "932" as I should have. I applied some of the stencils, but not all. According to the kit instructions, this represents a plane from the 22nd Flight Regiment. No further information is provided.
Page last updated June 15, 2023.