Academy 1/72 F6F-3/5 Hellcat (2224) link


This is the Academy 1/72 Hellcat, kit 2224, done as a F6F-5, using Superscale 72-735 decals.

I really wanted to complete something relatively quickly, so I chose the overall Sea Blue scheme. I knew from past experience that Academy decals leave something to be desired, to put it mildly, so I went with the Superscale set. There are supposed to be white rectangles on the fin and on the outer corners of the upper wings. On the upper wings, I made the mistake of putting on the insignia first. When I went to apply the rectangles, the overlapped the insignia, so I left them off. The ones on the fin didn't fit (I think the decals were made for the Hasegawa kit).

The interior was Model Master Enamel US Interior Green. The exterior is Flat Sea Blue from the same line. All the paint went on well.

According to the Superscale sheet, this represents an F6F-5 from the VF-17 on the USS Hornet in February 1945.

Build completed November, 2010.

Page last updated June 15, 2023.