About Uncle Uncool
The domain
I am a member of ARC, where my user name is zeus60. There was another member whose user name was Uncle Uncool. I was so impressed by his moniker that I asked him if he had a web site, and, if not, if he would mind if I used his user name as a domain name. He did not have a web site and was gracious enough to let me use the name. Since I am an uncle, and not a dad, and am very uncool, I thought it fitting.
The web site
This is a static web site, created with goss, a static site generation I wrote using golang. The source code for this site is available on github. The web pages themselves are hosted on Google's Firebase, the images are hosted on Amazon S3, and the email is handled by Zoho Mail. Goss uses gonja templates. Gonja is an implementation of the jinja2 template engine, written in golang. The stylesheets are written in Sass.
This site was originally created using Middleman. It was migrated to Metalsmith in June 2020 and then migrated to goss in June 2023.
You can contact me at uncleATuncleuncoolDOTnet.
Page last updated June 13, 2023.